Tuesday 7 September 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

For me, new ideas come from imagination. Because imagination allows you to think of new ideas. All the famous invention came form inventors. Thomas Edison who wanted a new source of energy instead of fire. Then, he invented electricity to made everyone's life better. Also, the Wright brothers wanted a transportation that is faster than train and cars. So, they wanted invented airplane. In conclusion, I think new ideas come form everyone's imagination.

Sunday 5 September 2010

My favorite short story

In the short stories unit, I have read 3 stories, The Sniper, Lamb to the slaughter and Thank you ma'am. The stories are all good. But, my favorite short stories is Lamb to the slaughter. Because of the interesting plot. Also, I love how Mary Maloney calculates the whole crime scene. Besides that, my favorite part of the story is when she feed the lamb to the police.