Sunday, 8 March 2009

Environmental factors

Environmental Factor 1: I would look for a river because rivers give water to the plants. Also the river swaps away the dead plant. The dead plants will land around the rivers and the dead plant will make a new layer of soil and the plants will grow healthier than before. Also the waters from the river are for cooking drinking. We can take a bath in the river for prevent. The disease from entering your body.

Environmental Factor 2: I would look for trees, bushes, flowers because the trees give shade and gives out fresh air.Also the trees prevent rock slide and The bushes are useful to lives. The bushes can also made shade. You can hide in bushes when a enermy is around. We can use flowers to make medicine and and can decorate desk using flowers.

Environmental Factor 3: I would look for the deserts because the desert can be useful to a country. It can protect from the enermies attack because who would want to fight in the middle of the desert. Also it is easy to set traps in the desert. If the enermy across the desert they will have no syrenght to fight.


  1. Good thoughts.

    Swap = sweep?

    You repeated 'plants' 3 times in one sentence. "The dead plants will land around the rivers and the dead plant will make a new layer of soil and the plants will grow healthier than before."
    TO THIS:
    Rivers sweep dead plants and these eventually are deposited on the banks of the rivers. They create a new layer of soil that is very fertile. Plants grow well in fertile soil.

    Deserts: You might want to mention that you might build your colony / village near a desert.
