Monday 28 March 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence part 2

For all the aboriginals,

We British are very sorry about our plan to take the half caste child from the people and tried to make them Britten. We were mean, cruel and no second thought about what we are doing. On behalf of all the people, I A.O. Neville will officially apologize to everyone. I was supposed to make the Aboriginals happy and feel comfortable but instead I was named as 'Devil'. I think I fit the word 'Devil' because I had interfered to your normal life and make it as bad as hell. We are all ashamed of what we did so I promise to you from this moment on, I will never think about changing the Aboriginal people to Britain. For the consequences, I will learn how to speak the native language of the Aboriginals and try to negotiate to them before I act. I think all the people of aboriginals include some suggestions about what actions individual people could talk about what should we do about the reconciliation process. As always, we are very sorry.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence

A hero is someone who takes action for something that is necessary and someone who thinks and takes care of others first. So, I think the character Molly is a hero because she saves herself and the others to make them happy. For example, if she comes back she will be a hero of their family and the other half-cast child to not give up escaping. She also wants to have a normal future for herself and the others. But, this incident will affect her father’s job and can get into really big consequences. They could lose house, being killed and more. But to sum it all up, I still think Molly did what she have to for the sake of her sister which is a better choice then being forced to be a British.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Learning Profile Blog Outline_YooJoon

'I learn best when by focusing on the details.Processes by analysis,verbalization, and writing'. I really agree with this quote because for me to understand all the important things by enjoying and focusing on the details. Also, I prefers structured learning and appreciates orderly sequencing of information. This connects to me because in order for me to get good grades, I need to know the instruction orderly.

But, I need to improve on to connect to information emotionally or kinesthetically. This really connects to me because I need to emotionally interact with my peers. For me to improve on my education, I need to be positive and have enjoyable sensory motor experiences.
During stress I may have problem seeing the big picture, so strategies that would help me in my learning is that I'm able to pick up details of information through the eyes and ears even under stress. Also, I need everything to be planned out for me(plan it before act). If I'm under stress, I can't get my gestalt hemisphere to work.

I would like my teachers to know that I am both an auditory and visual learner. My biggest challenge for me is to have access to my right brain easily. Because of my dominant hand, eye foot are all opposite the logical hemisphere.