Saturday 26 March 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence

A hero is someone who takes action for something that is necessary and someone who thinks and takes care of others first. So, I think the character Molly is a hero because she saves herself and the others to make them happy. For example, if she comes back she will be a hero of their family and the other half-cast child to not give up escaping. She also wants to have a normal future for herself and the others. But, this incident will affect her father’s job and can get into really big consequences. They could lose house, being killed and more. But to sum it all up, I still think Molly did what she have to for the sake of her sister which is a better choice then being forced to be a British.


  1. You didn't really describe the character Molly, like her background. But nice job on the explaining, but I don't think she is saving her sisters to make them happy because the sisters liked it there in the institution, I think she wanted to escape because the White people make her sick. Overall great job and I agree with you on how Molly is a hero.

  2. I agree that if she makes it she will be the inspiration to all the other children to escape as well and get back to their families.
