Tuesday 27 October 2009

MY NAME (Chung Yoo Joon)

Many names have their own different meanings. I would like to explain about the meaning behind my name especially my first name. My full name is Chung Yoo Joon. I'm coming from South Korea. My first name is 'Chung'. In South Korea, the first name does not have any meaning as it is used generally among Koreans. However, my second and third name their own meaning. My second name which is 'Yoo' means "I have everything which is good". My last name which is ‘Joon’ represents my character that is “high, tall and mighty”. I like my name very much because of the good meaning which is represented behind my name. At one point of time, I wanted to change my name. I remember when I was five years old, I want to change my name to ‘Shin Chan’. He is one of the famous Japanese comic characters because he is funny and a trouble maker to everyone. Nobody has ever teased my first name because most of my Korean friends have the same surname as me. However, my friends always make fun of the rest of my name. They would give names such as “You Jun” as “Yoo” has the same pronunciation as the English Pronouns “you”. Apart from that, I have another friend whose name is called “Jun”. My last name which is “Joon” has the same pronunciation as “Jun”. My friend would also tease my name such as “Yoo Chun” which is very funny because “Chun” in Cantonese language means stupid and dumb. I don’t have a nickname because most of the time, both my family and friends would like to call me as Yoo Joon. I have two names such as Yoo Joon and Yoo Sung. The last name Sung means intelligent and smart. Since my father wanted me to grow healthily and free from all sicknesses, he prefer me to be called Yoo Joon instead of Yoo Sung. This is all about my name.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

The journey of my book (Theseus)

The book that I'm reading is called Theseus. I will tell you about the story. Theseus is the son of king Aegeus. King Aegeus is the king of Athens. This is how Theseus was born. King Aegeus wanted a son. He wanted a son to be his heir. So he went to find Oracle. He asked Oracle would I have a son. Oracle said go find the sorceress Medea in Corinth and she will give you the magic power. When he find her, she gave him the magic and said, " When next time you hold a woman in your arms, she will bear you a son," He thanked her. It is a long journey from Corinth to Athens. So he spent a night in his old friend's house in the village of Troezen. When he was talking to his old friend he accidentally touched a women called Aethra. So Aethra bore Theseus. When Theseus was 16, he killed Periphetes the bronze club man. When Aethra saw his actions, she gave him a sword and a pair of sandals. She said go find your father in Athens. So on his journey he also killed the Crommyonian boar. He finally arrived to Athens and met his father. In Athens, he also killed the blue cow that is the pet of Poseidon. So Athens is in cursed now.

Monday 1 June 2009

Introduction to the 7 grade teachers

Hi my name is YooJoon Chung. You can call me Yoo Joon. I've been in ISKL for one year. Before I came here I was at a Chinese school near my house. I am going up to 7 grade. Also, I am going up to ESL 4. I am a Korean. I will do my best. But sometimes, I am talkative. I also want to improve on my subjects.

Monday 13 April 2009

Spring Break Reflection

The spring break is a good holiday for me. I had a great time.

During the holiday day, I woke up at 8:30a.m. Only I were in the house because my sisters all went to the school. Also my mom went to her restaurant. I enjoyed my free in the morning.I watched TV and other shows. In the afternoon my mom was back from her restaurant. So I have to study and do my homework.After dinner, I watched my favourite show "Tom and Jerry". Then I went to sleep.

Every day were the same until thursday and friday...

On thursday my mom promised to took me to the KLCC Aquarium. I was very happy to visit there. In the afternoon, We had lunch in the aquarium. After lunch, we bought Our tickets and we went inside. In the aquarium, there are many sea ceatures example like shraks, sea turtle and more. My mom and I saw a 10 meter high fish tank. I also saw an electical eel. The electical eel is a size of my arm and it swimed very slow. We also saw the world's biggest fresh water fish. The fish is about 4 meter long and it swims very slowly. After explore the sea creatures, we went into the tunnel and there were many kinds of fishes. There were many diffenrent colors of fishes example like purple, blue, yellow, green and more.I saw a shark that was about 1.6meters long and has three layers of teeth. I also saw clown fis h which is a very famous fish. The clown fish was famous because the fish is from 'Finding Nemo'. We saw a green sea turtle, It was like a meter long and it's shell was green in color. After explore the tunnel, We saw the suberdivers feeding the sea turtles and manta ray. The suberdivers are amazing. They are not afraid of the sharks and also they also bought a bucket of foods for the sea creatures. When we walked out my mom bought me an ice-cream. It was the best day I never had. I wish I can go again in the weekends.

Also on friday, my sister and I went to the Sunway shoping mall . I was very happy about it. When we arrived at Sunway, I saw a huge sphinx and also a huge sculpture of a egyption people outside of the entarance. When we entered, there was a lot of shops for example like were you buy cloths, pants, watch, accesories and more. First, we went down floor to ice skating, My sister and I bought the ticket and went in. My sister put her bag in to a locker while I am getting my skating shoe on. When my sister was done we went in to the ice ring. At first I almost fell every time I move my legs. But after an hour, I finally can balance myself and skate. When we were done skating, My sister went shopping while I went to bought some cookies for myself. After an hour, my sister called my mom to pick us up. I had a lot of fun.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Environmental factors

Environmental Factor 1: I would look for a river because rivers give water to the plants. Also the river swaps away the dead plant. The dead plants will land around the rivers and the dead plant will make a new layer of soil and the plants will grow healthier than before. Also the waters from the river are for cooking drinking. We can take a bath in the river for prevent. The disease from entering your body.

Environmental Factor 2: I would look for trees, bushes, flowers because the trees give shade and gives out fresh air.Also the trees prevent rock slide and The bushes are useful to lives. The bushes can also made shade. You can hide in bushes when a enermy is around. We can use flowers to make medicine and and can decorate desk using flowers.

Environmental Factor 3: I would look for the deserts because the desert can be useful to a country. It can protect from the enermies attack because who would want to fight in the middle of the desert. Also it is easy to set traps in the desert. If the enermy across the desert they will have no syrenght to fight.

Thursday 29 January 2009

7 civilization in Korea

Religion: Korea has four religion, Christian, Buddhism, Islam and Confucianism. Korea’s first religion is Confucianism and the second is Buddhism. The Christian is the third and the last is Islam. The Confucianism is to pray to your Ancestor. 46% of the Korean peoples have no religion. Christian is 29.2% of the population and Buddhism is 22.8%.

Technology: Korea has one of the best known artifacts of Korea's history and technology is Cheomseongdae, a 9.4-meter high observatory built in 634. It is considered to be one of the world's oldest surviving astronomical observatories.

Social Structure: Korea’s most famous castle is Gyeongbokgung. The Gyeongbokgung is when the King Taejo moved the capital to Hanseong. Hanseong’s mordern day is Seoul. Korea’s most valuable thing is called Dongdaemoon and Namdaemoon. There are still left behind in Korea.

Food supply: The most famous food around Korea is kimchi. There are many kind of kimchi like cchongggackkimchi, baechukimchi and a lot.There are many food in Korea like Bulgogi, sagoltang and a lot.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

About my holidays

This is the first winter break I had in ISKL. I stayed in KL and I had a good time. I went to KLCC for the Christmas. My whole family went there. We have six people, so we became a three groups of four. I'm with my sister. My father gave each group RM150.I went shopping with my sister and we saw a Christmas tree full with colorful stuff. We went to the toy shop to buy a toy car for myself. I went to a shop to buy a ABC and I went to starbucks for a latte. I went to a cloth shop to buy cloth and pants.
My sister buy a sneak for eat and I went to Burger King to eat burger. When I finished my burger, My mom called because it's time for lunch. I was so full but I eat at a steak house I ordered a expensive steak for my lunch. When I'm done eating I my stomach hurt so much because I ate a lot of food in one day. So I went to the toliet. After a while, when I'm done my whole family and we went home. This is the most fun day ever in 2008. This is a lesson not to eat too much.

My first post

This is my first post. My name is yoojoon and I am 12 years old. I like to play badminton. Also, I like to eat pizza.